Yazi - a Blazing Fast Terminal File Manager written in Rust

I’ve been using this terminal file manager for a few weeks now, and I must say; I absolutely love it! It’s written in Rust, so all I/O operations are asynchronous, which means CPU tasks are spread across multiple threads, utilizing available resources. And the best part; it has vim keybindings! Not convinced yet? Check out the GitHub page, and scroll down a bit until you reach “example.mp4”. You’ll see a video that demonstrates some of its cool features....

Understanding Network Prefixes

Network Prefixes Network prefixes are a fundamental concept in IP networking, particularly in the context of CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing). They define the portion of an IP address that is used for network identification, as opposed to host identification within that network. A network prefix is a part of an IP address that indicates the network to which the IP address belongs. It is represented by a combination of an IP address and a subnet mask or prefix length....

Why is CIDR routing more efficient than classful network design?

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) is more efficient than the older classful network design for several key reasons; 1. Flexible Subnetting and Address Allocation Classful Network Design: IP addresses were divided into fixed classes (A, B, C, D, E). Class A: 16 million addresses (8-bit network prefix). Class B: 65,536 addresses (16-bit network prefix). Class C: 256 addresses (24-bit network prefix). This fixed structure often led to significant wastage of IP addresses....

Helm - The package manager for Kubernetes

#Kubernetes #Helm #DevOps Helm Helm is the best way to find, share, and use software built for Kubernetes. It helps you manage Kubernetes applications and helps you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes application. Helm is a graduated project in the CNCF and is maintained by the Helm community. What is a helm chart? a Helm chart is a powerful tool that simplifies the deployment, management, and sharing of applications on Kubernetes by packaging all necessary resources and configurations into a single, reusable unit....

Kubernetes - understanding the relationship between nodes and pods

The relationship between nodes and pods In Kubernetes, the relationship between nodes and pods is central to how applications are deployed and managed. Understanding what nodes and pods are, individually, helps clarify their interaction. What are Pods? A pod is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes and serves as a wrapper for one or more containers. Each pod is designed to run a single instance of a given application or service....

Convert SVG to PDF from your command line using Inkscape

Today I learned that if you have Inkscape installed on your machine, you can convert .SVG files into .PDF, using this simple command: inkscape input.svg --export-filename=output.pdf Replace input.svg with the name of your SVG file and output.pdf with the desired output PDF file name. Example use case Say you have developed a drawing or mindmap in Excalidraw. You can export this to SVG and then run the command to convert it to PDF....

Obsidian Sync Github Script

obsidian-sync-github Why write this script? I’m using Arch Linux and the Obsidian electron AppImage from AUR. It works great, but for some reason the obsidian git community plugin makes the app super sluggish. I removed the plugin and wrote my own bash script instead. How the script works Auto-pushes Obsidian notes to GitHub via a cronjob every 30 minutes crontab -e -> */30 * * * * /home/jonash/.local/bin/obsidian-sync-github Sends a notification via dunstify and your e-mail address of choice #!...

Create Your Own Website With HUGO

What is HUGO? HUGO is a framework, designed to convert code and content into static websites. It is written in Go, making it exceptionally fast at compiling websites, even those with thousands of pages. Here’s how it works: Fast and Efficient: HUGO takes your content, which you can write in Markdown (a lightweight markup language), and your templates, which define the structure and design of your site, and combines them to generate a complete, static website....

Unshackle Your Digital Life

Unshackle Your Digital Life Get a Google Pixel phone, so you can install GrapheneOS. I recommend Google Pixel 6a. Very cheap and very good. Get rid of all the apps you don’t need Sync your data with SyncThing Create your own NextCloud server Use VimWiki/Obsidian + vim/neovim to take notes in markdown, and take full ownership over your own data Use Linux on your personal computer(s) Use pass to store your accounts/passwords Don’t let proprietary software take your money and own YOUR data Never look back

GRUB Bootloader

First of all, what is GRUB? GRUB is a boot loader, which lets you boot up your system. The abbreviation stands for GNU GRand Unified Bootloader, and is a boot loader package from the GNU Project. GRUB is the primary bootloader for many Linux distributions, allowing users to choose from multiple operating systems or different versions of the same operating system at boot time. It’s designed to be highly configurable and supports a wide range of operating systems, not just Linux....

Modern Linux Tools

These modern Linux tools might enhance your workflow fd is a simple and fast file search tool, enhancing the Unix find command. exa is a modern replacement for ls, enhancing file listing with better defaults. dog is a modern, feature-rich DNS client for the command-line. ncdu is a console disk usage analyzer for quick space management. bat is a cat clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration for the command-line. sd is a simple and intuitive find-and-replace CLI tool, aiming to improve upon sed....

Cloud Engineering

Demystifying Cloud Engineering Cloud engineering is the application of engineering disciplines to cloud computing. It brings a systematic approach to the high-level concerns of commercialization, standardization, and governance in conceiving, developing, operating, and maintaining cloud computing systems. It is a multidisciplinary method that encompasses contributions from diverse areas such as systems engineering, software engineering, web engineering, and database engineering. Key Components of Cloud Engineering Cloud Infrastructure: Design and management of the physical and virtual resources necessary for cloud computing....

What Is Devops

Understanding DevOps: A Brief Overview DevOps, a compound of development (Dev) and operations (Ops), is a software development and delivery approach that emphasizes communication, collaboration, integration, and automation among software developers and IT operations teams. The goal of DevOps is to improve and speed up the delivery of software applications and services. By fostering a culture where building, testing, and releasing software can happen rapidly, frequently, and more reliably, DevOps has become a key practice in the software industry....