Avoid using cat into grep

I have been guilty of doing this myself. Instead of doing cat file1 file2 | grep -i searchTerm, it is better to use grep directly. The result is not only more efficient, but it’s more informative aswell. Here is why I came across a video by [[Luke Smith]], where he explains why you should avoid using cat into grep. This video made me reflect on my own usage of cat , and what it’s really meant for, which is concatenate and write files. ...

Yazi - a Blazing Fast Terminal File Manager written in Rust

I’ve been using this terminal file manager for a few weeks now, and I must say; I absolutely love it! It’s written in Rust , so all I/O operations are asynchronous, which means CPU tasks are spread across multiple threads, utilizing available resources. And the best part; it has vim keybindings! Not convinced yet? Check out the GitHub page , and scroll down a bit until you reach “example.mp4”. You’ll see a video that demonstrates some of its cool features. ...

Convert SVG to PDF from your command line using Inkscape

Today I learned that if you have Inkscape installed on your machine, you can convert .SVG files into .PDF, using this simple command: inkscape input.svg --export-filename=output.pdf Replace input.svg with the name of your SVG file and output.pdf with the desired output PDF file name. Example use case Say you have developed a drawing or mindmap in Excalidraw. You can export this to SVG and then run the command to convert it to PDF. Very cool! ...

Modern Linux Tools

These modern Linux tools might enhance your workflow fd is a simple and fast file search tool, enhancing the Unix find command. exa is a modern replacement for ls, enhancing file listing with better defaults. dog is a modern, feature-rich DNS client for the command-line. ncdu is a console disk usage analyzer for quick space management. bat is a cat clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration for the command-line. sd is a simple and intuitive find-and-replace CLI tool, aiming to improve upon sed. dust visualizes disk usage with an emphasis on clarity, acting as a more intuitive du. xh is a friendly and fast HTTP client for the terminal, inspired by curl and HTTPie. duf is a modern disk usage utility for the command-line with an intuitive interface.